Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Starting to Working out

Yippee!!! Some good news. (bout time, you say)
So yesterday we had an appointment with Dr J (another one), a cardiologist. He confirmed the first degree heart blockage. He said there was nothing to do about it now, but monitor the irregularity and make sure that nothing changes. He did put me in a heart monitor device overnight to see if any changes occur while I sleep. I had eight electrodes on my chest connected with wires to the monitor. Carter noticed the multiple colors on the electrodes.  Good thing I only had to wear it for a day.
What caused this irregularity you may be asking? Well, this doctor has been published for his research on how chemotherapy can affect heart blockages. (talk about divine assistance) He thought that the use of adriomyison (one of my chemo drugs) could be a contibuting factor. We should be getting the results back from the monitoring device and then head in for another EKG and Echo cardiogram for additional info.

Today, we also had an appointment, but this one was with Dr C (vascular surgeon). He took a look at my arm and he said it looked good. The veins were not swollen and they were responsive. He said it was not back to 100%, but was good enough for now. So maybe the second angioplasty worked (at least a little bit). I go in for another venogram in a couple weeks to double check to progress. So, maybe no surgery (prayer request!).
He also gave me news that I have been craving for a while. He gave me the green light to work out again and play sports (with some restrictions)
What do you think I did tonight? -  Felt so good.


Prayer requests:
Organization of bills and schedules and such
Anger Management
For Family