Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Stage is Set
Dr. H. went through our treatment plan (don't worry, a second opinion is in the works) but we are very confident that I will be going through Chemo and Radiation. The chemo cocktail recommended is ABVD- and if you really want to get all the long and confusing technical scientific names, we will be happy to share. He said that we wanted to give a little of both, because too much of a bad thing is still a bad thing.
We are all very confident my uninvited cancer is packing its bags. He mentioned that it was not just because I am physically able, but also my mental state is solid.
We had a nice little tour of the infusion room and sat in the massage chairs and met with the nurses. They said bringing in food was encouraged as long as there are some cookies are involved!!
Got a chance to connect with our local chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Live Strong. They sent us a lot of material (we had to reorganize a whole book shelf). It is great that we have resources right here.
So what is the next step- Second opinion, then get a port (a little bionic looking device) put into my chest, then on the road to remission.
Feelings- Ready to go!! Loving the great thoughts and prayers that continue to pour in. Keep them coming.
Prayer requests: Coordination of appointments/ doctors and continued positive attitude.
"All battles are won before they are fought". Sun Tzu
-Nate (MM)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Quote of the week...
This week, our pastor, Mark Seversen, asked Nate what his initial reaction to his current predicament was. Nate sat back, thought for a minute and then said this: "Well, after this thing is over with, I will have another title. I will be a father, husband, brother, son, etc., but I will also be a cancer survivor."
Don't you just love that!?
Monday, July 23, 2012
Bone marrow biopsy success!
Nate just made it through his bone marrow biopsy like a champ...and though still a bit woozy, he is eating loads of food and joking around (shocking, right?)
We should have the results of the biopsy in about a week.
Nate has another day full of fun appointments and waiting rooms tomorrow. He will have a PET scan as well as a cardio echo. Later this week, some pulmonary function tests will be performed as well. The bone marrow biopsy and PET scan will help stage the cancer (if it is progressed past the currently assumed stage 2). The cardio echo and pulmonary function tests are to basically establish a baseline before treatments begin.
Please pray for patience while going from appointment to appointment. It's kinda a drag :-)
We love you all and thank you for comments/emails/texts of your support and encouragement! We can't imagine keeping a positive attitude without your help!