Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stage is Set

Monday afternoon: Met with Dr. H. and got a chance to look at my PET scan (kinda cool looking) got to see where exactly where this lymphoma is located in my body. Also got report back from the Biopsy of my bone marrow- NOT in there!!! Back to the Scan... There was only two areas that were lit up and they were both above my diaphragm. So what does that mean you ask- It means that I am only in Stage 2. Normally I go for the highest score possible, but I'm ok with it this time. We are thrilled with the outcome.

Dr. H. went through our treatment plan (don't worry, a second opinion is in the works) but we are very confident that I will be going through Chemo and Radiation. The chemo cocktail recommended is ABVD- and if you really want to get all the long and confusing technical scientific names, we will be happy to share. He said that we wanted to give a little of both, because too much of a bad thing is still a bad thing.

We are all very confident my uninvited cancer is packing its bags. He mentioned that it was not just because I am physically able, but also my mental state is solid.

We had a nice little tour of the infusion room and sat in the massage chairs and met with the nurses. They said bringing in food was encouraged as long as there are some cookies are involved!!

Got a chance to connect with our local chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Live Strong. They sent us a lot of material (we had to reorganize a whole book shelf). It is great that we have resources right here.

So what is the next step- Second opinion, then get a port (a little bionic looking device) put into my chest, then on the road to remission.

Feelings- Ready to go!! Loving the great thoughts and prayers that continue to pour in. Keep them coming.

Prayer requests: Coordination of appointments/ doctors and continued positive attitude.

"All battles are won before they are fought". Sun Tzu

-Nate (MM)


  1. Hi Nate and Erin!!! Bummed to hear that you have Hodgkins Nate, but like you said, if you're gonna get lymphoma it might as well be this one! I know you are going to kick this thing in the butt!!! If you don't already have one, get a Naturopath!!! Particularly one that knows a thing or two about oncology as they can be super beneficial to help ease the side effects and toxicities of chemo. The AANP (http://www.naturopathic.org/) is an okay resource to find a doctor, but a google search may work too. Word of mouth is typically the best however. Good luck and I look forward to reading your updates (especially how much you LOVE your Naturopath :) )
    -Love, Stephanie

  2. Hey Nate & Erin... I just wanted to let you know that I'll be thinking about you. You guys are both such positive and energetic people and just as your doctor said, I'm sure that it will have such a great impact on what you'll be going through. Thank you for setting up the blog to keep us posted. I just found out today, but I will be checking in on it.

    I have a friend who beat lymphoma and has been in remission for 8 years now. Soon you will be in the same boat, but I'll think strong thoughts to help you deal with everything that you'll be going through.

