Wednesday, August 29, 2012


That post title pretty much sums it up.

Earlier this morning, I woke up feeling great (like pre-chemo great) and excited to get back into a normal routine of work and play. In fact, yesterday, Dr. J, the surgeon, gave me a big thumbs up to begin working out (other than, of course, playing the violin and skeet shooting due to my port). I assumed that this also meant I could go back to rough-housing with Carter. Unfortunately, during our playtime, a tiny pointer finger found it's way into my right eye. After trying to shake it off as if nothing happened, it really really really hurt...I couldn't open my eye and everything was blurry. Erin called Dr. S (primary care physician) to inquire if this was an eye-threatening condition. He said come So I did. After dying my eye orange and looking at it under a ultraviolet light, it was very clear that there is a severe corneal abrasion (hence the "patch"). Usually these things heal on their own given time, however, since it is directly on my cornea and could scar which would impact my vision permanently, I am meeting with an eye Dr. tomorrow. I'm also very susceptible to infection right now due to my chemo, so we are taking extra precautions.

Now, there isn't a lot of pain, just more irritation (my bandage isn't too comfortable or stylish either). I am unable to drive and depth perception is...well...non-existant.

Honestly, this has been a really hard day; our hardest yet. In fact, there was a moment this morning when everyone in the house was crying (including the dog). Apparently, for today, it was the straw that broke the Heide's back. However, we know that this too will better! Thankfully we are quick healers.

I have a follow up appointment with Dr. H, the oncologist, on Friday for blood work to check red and white blood cells and platelets and to chat about how my first round of chemo went.

We would welcome some prayer for the eye doctor to say that everything is fine and no further action needs to be taken...other than maybe don't put tiny fingers in your eyes for a while. Also, please pray for positive attitudes for me, Erin and the rest of my supporting cast (i.e. whomever is reading this).

I will end with one of Erin's favorite jokes:

Why couldn't the kids go see the pirate movie?



  1. Arrrrgghhh is right!! What a bummer Nate!! Like you said though, it will pass. I am sending love and positive thoughts to you, Erin, Carter and Max.

    Love, Love, Love

    How much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook?.........

    ....An arm and a Leg

  2. Ohhhh, Nate- that is awful. I know from watching my husband curl up into a fetal position after one of our friends scratched his eye, that a corneal abrasion hurts BAD!

    And by the way, I love that you were all crying! You gotta let out that stress somehow. I don't quite know about Max crying, though... hmmm

    What has 8 arms and 8 legs? 8 Pirates
